Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Why Do Bugs Fascinate Me?

I think I like bugs because my kids like bugs. They (kids & bugs) teach me that there is beauty in everything if you look with open curious eyes. I also like the challenge of taking macro photos. First there is the challenge of finding the insect... which when you have kids is not so hard because they do most of the finding.
Next, the challenge is getting as close as possible.

After that the bug is, of course, ALIVE and moving so focusing become a major skill set needed to get the best possible clarity (this one still eludes me).

Metering is another challenge because the darn thing is so small and the camera is metering on a very small object... and that most of my pictures go in the trash because they're over or underexposed.

Butterflies are my favorite bug subject. Always have been... always will be. They're absolutely gorgeous. Thanks God.

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